Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore

Full name: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Role in the books: Headmaster of Hogwarts; Harry's mentor
Actor: Films 1 and 2: Richard Harris; Film 3 onwards: Michael Gambon
Age: About 150
Born: c.1840
Died: June 1997
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Family: Mother: Kendra; Father: Percival; Brother: Alberforth; Sister: Ariana
Place of residence: Mould-on-the-Wold until his sister was attacked; Godric's Hollow; Hogwarts; Unknown; During term time: Hogwarts; Between terms: Unknown
Occupation: Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts; Headmaster of Hogwarts; Member of the Wizengamot
Eyes: Twinkling blue
Hair: Once auburn, now silver, waist-length
Other features of appearance: Big silver beard and moustache, tall and thin, half-moon spectacles, crooked nose and during book six a withered and blackened right hand
Wand: The Elder Wand
At Hogwarts: 1851-1857; Gryffindor; Prefect; Head Boy; Winner of the Barnabus Finkley Prize for Exceptional Spellcasting; British Youth Representative to the Wizengamot; Gold-Medal-Winner for Ground-Breaking Contribution to the International Alchemical Conference in Cairo
Key Personality Traits: Wise, undiscriminating, forgiving, highly intelligent, highly talented, quirky, eccentric, secretive, independent, cunning, deceptive
First apperance in the story: A man appeared on the corner the cat had been watching, appeared so suddenly and silently you'd have thought he'd just popped out of the ground... Nothing like this man had ever been seen in Privet Drive. He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man's name was Albus Dumbledore. (PS, ch.1, pg.12)
Death: A jet of green light shot from the end of Snape's wand and hit Dumbledore squarely in the chest. Harry's scream of horror never left him; silent and unmoving, he was forced to watch as Dumbledore was blasted into the air: for a split second he seemed to hang suspended beneath the shining skull, and then he fell slowly backwards, like a great rag doll, over the battlements and out of sight. (HBP, ch.27, pg.556)
Key Life Moments: His sister being attacked by Muggles and his father's imprisonment for retaliating; going to Hogwarts; the death of his mother; meeting Grindelwald; the death of his sister; defeating Grindelwald and imprisoning him in his own jail; meeting Tom Riddle; persuading Professor Dippet to keep Hagrid on as gamekeeper after his expulsion; becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts; forming the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort; hearing the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort; deciding to trust Severus Snape; arranging for Harry to live with his relatives after his parents' deaths; secretly preparing Harry to sacrifice himself to defeat Voldemort; researching Tom Riddle and tracking down his Horcruxes; re-forming the Order of the Phoenix; battling Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic; finding and destroying the ring Horcrux at the cost of his right hand and eventually his life; persuading Snape to kill him; teaching Harry all about Voldemort; retrieving the fake locket from the cave with Harry; his death

Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle

Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle

Full name:
 Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr
Role in the books:
 11 Year Old Riddle: Hero Fiennes Tiffin; 16 Year Old Riddle (CoS): Christian Coulson; Teenage Riddle (HBP): Frank Dillane; 18 Year Old Riddle (HBP): Michael Berendt; Cloaked Voldemort (PS): Richard Bremmer; Voice of Voldemort (PS): Ian Hart; Voldemort (GoF onwards) Ralph Fiennes
Blood Status:
 Mother: Merope Gaunt; Father: Tom Riddle
Place of residence:
 An orphanage in London; Hogwarts; Unknown; In hiding
 Worked for a time at Borgin and Burkes; afterwards unknown; unemployed after he started his takeover bid; real Minister of Magic
 As Riddle: dark; as Voldemort: red
 As Riddle: jet-black; as Voldemort: unknown, possibly bald
Other features of appearance:As Riddle: tall and handsome; as Voldemort: snake-like face, 'skeletally' thin, skin 'whiter than a skull'
 Yew and phoenix tail feather, thirteen and a half inches; briefly the Elder Wand
At Hogwarts:
 1937-1945; Slytherin; Head Boy
Key Personality Traits:
 Thirst for power; terrified of his own death; selfish; independent; cruel; malicious; prejudiced; vengeful; control-freak; highly talentedFirst appearance in the story: Harry would have screamed, but he couldn't make a sound. Where there should have been a back to Quirrell's head, there was a face, the most terrible face Harry had ever seen. It was chalk white with glaring red eyes and slits for nostrils, like a snake.
"Harry Potter..." it whispered.
 (PS, ch.17, pg.212)
 But then, through the mist before him, he saw, with an icy surge of terror, the dark outline of a man, tall and skeletally thin, rising sloowly from the cauldron.[...] The thin man stepped out of the cauldron, staring at Harry... and Harry stared back into the face that had haunted his nightmares for three years.[...] Lord Voldemort had returned. (GoF, ch 32, pg. 557-8)
 A red gold glow burst suddenly across the enchanted sky above them, as an edge of dazzling sun appeared over the sill of the nearest window. The light hit both of their faces at the same time, so that Voldemort was suddenly a flaming blur. Harry heard the high voice shriek as he, too, yelled his best hope to the heavens, pointing Draco's wand:
"Avada Kevavra!"
The bang was like a cannon-blast and the golden flames that erupted between them, at the dead centre of the circle they had been treading, marked the point where the spells collided. Harry saw Voldemort's green jet meet his own spell, saw the Elder Wand fly high, dark against the sunrise... Voldemort fell backwards, arms splayed, the slit pupils of the scarlet eyes rolling upwards. Tom Riddle hit the floor with a mundane finality, his body feeble and shrunken, the white hands empty, the snake-like face vacant and unknowing. Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse.
 (DH, ch.36, pgs. 595-6)
Key Life Moments:
 Finding out that he was a wizard; discovering his connection to Salazar Slytherin; opening the Chamber of Secrets; creating the diary Horcrux; killing his father and grandparents and taking and creating the ring Horcrux; working for Borgin and Burkes; stealing the locket and the cup and turning them into Horcruxes; rising to power over eleven years; choosing Harry as his enemy; trying to kill Harry and being ripped from his body resulting in his going into hiding; trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone; the piece of Voldemort in the diary opens the Chamber again and almost kills Ginny Weasley before being destroyed by Harry; Wormtail returns to him; captures Harry and uses his blood to return to his body; re-forms the Death Eaters and begins working towards a second takeover; tricks Harry into taking the prophecy but loses it; battles Dumbledore in the Ministry of Magic; orders Draco Malfoy to kill Dumbledore; takes over the Ministry of Magic; searches for the Elder Wand; attacks Hogwarts after discovering the loss of several Horcruxes; temporarily kills Harry; is killed by Harry

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy
Full name: Draco Malfoy
Role in the books:
 Harry's arch enemy at school
 Tom Felton
 5th June 1980
Blood Status:
 Mother: Narcissa Black; Father: Lucius Malfoy
Place of residence:
 Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire; Hogwarts; afterwards unknown, possibly still Malfoy Manor
 White blond
Other features of appearance:
 Pointed face, quite short (or at least shorter than the Slytherins he hangs around with), probably has the Dark Mark on his left arm
 Hawthorn and unicorn hair, 10 inches, 'reasonably springy'
At Hogwarts:1991-1997; Slytherin; Seeker on the Slytherin House Quidditch team
Key Personality Traits:
 Arrogant, ignorant, bigoted, selfish, self-absorbed, haughty, cruel, a bully, a daddy's boyFirst appearance in the story: In the back of the shop, a boy with a pale, pointed face was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up his long black robes. (PS, ch.6, pg.59)
Key Life Moments:
 Meeting Harry in Madam Malkin's; making an enemy of Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express; challenging Harry to a wizard's duel, then not turning up and tipping off Filch; trying to get Harry and Hermione in trouble for being out of bed and getting caught himself; going into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Fang; bribing his way onto the Slytherin Quidditch team; being incorrectly suspected by the trio of being the heir of Slytherin; being attacked by Buckbeak and doing all he can to get him executed; being turned into a ferret and bounced around the Entrance Hall by the fake Mad-Eye Moody; being beaten up on the Quidditch pitch by Harry and George; joining the Inquisitional Squad; joining the Death Eaters and taking on the task of killing Dumbledore; failing to kill Dumbledore twice; putting Madam Rosmerta under the Imperius curse; smuggling the Death Eaters into Hogwarts; getting another chance to kill Dumbledore and not taking it; pretending not to recognise Harry at Malfoy Manor; trying to capture Harry but being foiled by Crabbe trying to take over; being saved from Feind Fyre by Harry; surviving the Battle of Hogwarts

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger
Full name: Hermione (Her-my-own-nee) Jean Granger
Role in the books:
 One of Harry's best friends
 Emma Watson
 19th September 1981
Blood Status:
 Parents: unknown names
Place of residence:
 Unknown; Hogwarts; various locations during her seventeenth year; afterwards unknown
 Student at Hogwarts, after which she worked for a time in the Department For The Regulation and Control Of Magical Creatures, and then moved up to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
 Bushy, brown
Other features of appearance:
 Had rather large front teeth until book 4, looks rather pretty when she straightens and ties back her hair
 Vine wood, unknown core
At Hogwarts:
 1991-1997; Gryffindor; prefectKey Personality Traits: Intelligent, book-smart, brave, good in a crisis, passionate, militant, hot-headed, sensitive, sometimes patronising, over-emotional, strong ability to empathise, resourceful
First appearance in the story:
 He had just raised his wand when the compartment door slid open again. The toadless boy was back, but this time he had a girl with him. She was already wearing her new Hogwarts robes. "Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," she said. She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth. (PS, ch.6, pg.79)
Key Life Moments:
 Getting her Hogwarts letter; meeting Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express; being saved from a troll by Harry and Ron; helping to save the Philosopher's Stone; being petrified by the Basilisk; going back in time with Harry to save Sirius and Buckbeak; being used as Krum's hostage in the second tournament task; helping to form Dumbledore's Army; fighting in the battle in the Department of Mysteries; going with Harry and Ron to find and destroy the Horcruxes; being tortured by Belatrix Lestrange; destroying the cup horcrux; fighting in the battle of Hogwarts and surviving; marrying Ron and having two children, Rose and Hugo

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Ron Weasley

Nama lengkap : Ronald Weasley Billius 
Peran dalam buku : teman Harry terbaik 
Aktor : Rupert Grint 
Usia : 11-37 
Lahir : 1 Maret 1980 
Darah Status : Pure-darah 
Keluarga : Ibu: Molly Prewett, Bapa: Arthur Weasley, Brothers: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred dan George,     Suster : Ginny 
Tempat tinggal : The Burrow, Ottery St Catchpole (Devon?), Hogwarts, berbagai lokasi selama tahun ketujuh, setelah itu tidak diketahui 
Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa di Hogwarts, bertugas sebagai Auror sementara Kementerian sedang memperbaiki diri setelah perang, kemudian melanjutkan untuk menjalankan Sihir Sakti Weasley 'dengan saudaranya George 
Mata : Biru 
Rambut : Flaming red 
Fitur lain dari penampilan : tinggi, kurus dan ceking, tangan dan kaki yang besar, banyak bintik-bintik, hidung panjang dan dari akhir buku kelima dan seterusnya ia memiliki bekas luka criss-persimpangan lengannya dari mana otak menyerangnya 
Wand : Willow dan rambut unicorn, empat belas inci 
Di Hogwarts: 1991-1997, Gryffindor, Prefect, penjaga di tim Quidditch Gryffindor Rumah
Kepribadian Sifat : Loyal, berani, cerdas, menggigit sarkastis, keras kepala, tumpul ke titik kekasaran, beruntun kejam, rendahnya kepercayaan diri, rata-rata siswa, tendancy untuk menarik Harry dan Hermione kembali ke kenyataan ketika mereka merenungkan-jauh diambil skema 
Penampilan pertama dalam cerita: "Halo, Sayang," katanya. "Pertama kalinya di Hogwarts baru Ron?, Juga." Dia menunjuk pada termuda dan terakhir putranya. Dia tinggi, kurus dan ceking, dengan bintik-bintik, tangan besar dan kaki dan hidung yang panjang. (PS, ch.6, pg.70) 
Kunci Hidup Moments : Aquiring Scabbers hewan peliharaan tikus dan kemudian mencari tahu sebenarnya Peter Pettigrew, pertemuan Harry dan Hermione di Hogwarts Express, membantu menyelamatkan Batu Bertuah, merambah ke Hutan Terlarang dengan Harry dan menghadapi laba-laba raksasa, berusaha untuk mengikuti Harry ke dalam Kamar Rahasia untuk menyelamatkan Ginny, menjadi cemburu Harry setelah dia masuk ke dalam Turnamen Triwizard, yang digunakan sebagai sandera Harry dalam tugas Turnamen kedua, bergabung dengan Gryffindor House Tim Quidditch, membantu untuk membentuk Laskar Dumbledore, pertempuran di pertempuran di Departemen Misteri di mana ia diserang oleh otak, hubungannya dengan Lavander Brown, diracuni oleh mead dimaksudkan untuk Dumbledore, pergi dengan Harry dan Hermione untuk mencari Horcrux, berjalan keluar pada orang lain karena kombinasi dari kurangnya kenyamanan rumah, frustrasi di kurangnya rencana dan pengaruh Horcrux di lehernya, kembali ke orang lain dan menghancurkan Horcrux liontin, dan berpartisipasi dalam hidup Pertempuran Hogwarts, Hermione Granger menikah dan memiliki dua childrem, Rose dan Hugo 

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Harry Potter

Nama lengkap : Harry James Potter
Peran dalam buku : Protagonis
Aktor : Daniel Radcliffe
Usia : 11-36
Lahir : 1980
Kematian dan kelahiran kembali : Mei 1998
Darah Status : Half-Blood
Keluarga : Ibu : Lily Evans, Bapak : James Potter
Tempat tinggal : Hollow Godric itu, Privet Drive; Hogwarts, berbagai lokasi dalam buku tujuh; setelah diketahui
Pekerjaan : Auror An, naik menjadi kepala departemen
Mata : Hijau
Rambut : Jet-hitam, berantakan, tongkat di belakang
Fitur lain dari penampilan: Pendek dan kurus, meskipun ia tumbuh lebih tinggi menjelang akhir, wajah tipis, lutut bertonjol, bekas luka di punggung tangan ejaan kata-kata "Aku Tidak Harus Katakan Lies" dan bekas luka di dadanya dari Horcrux liontin
Wand : Sebelas setengah inci, bulu phoenix dan suci, dan juga tongkat tua
Di Hogwarts :1991-1997, Gryffindor, Quidditch kapten
Ciri-ciri Kepribadian kunci : Berani, kuat, ditentukan, berbakat meskipun umumnya rata-rata siswa, sederhana, tendancy untuk menyalahkan diri sendiri, cenderung ke arah kemarahan atau depresi bila ada yang salah, bisa obsesif, setia beruntun, kejam
Penampilan pertama dalam cerita: Dumbledore dan Profesor McGonagall membungkuk di atas bundel selimut. Di dalam, hanya terlihat, adalah bayi laki-laki, tertidur lelap. Di bawah seberkas hitam legam rambut di atas dahinya mereka bisa melihat potongan anehnya berbentuk, seperti sambaran petir .
Kematian: Voldemort mengangkat tongkatnya. Kepalanya miring ke satu sisi, seperti anak penasaran, bertanya-tanya apa yang akan terjadi jika ia melanjutkan. Harry memandang kembali ke dalam mata merah, dan ingin hal itu terjadi sekarang, cepat, sementara ia masih bisa berdiri, sebelum ia kehilangan kendali, sebelum ia mengkhianati rasa takut.
Rebirth Dumbledore berseri-seri padanya, dan suaranya terdengar keras dan kuat dalam telinga Harry meskipun kabut terang itu decending lagi, menutupi sosoknya.
"Tentu saja yang terjadi di dalam kepala Anda, Harry, tapi kenapa harus itu berarti bahwa itu tidak nyata?" [...] Dia tertelungkup di tanah lagi. Bau Hutan mengisi lubang hidungnya .
Moments Hidup Kunci: Surviving kutukan Voldemort membunuh sebagai bayi, menemukan bahwa ia adalah seorang penyihir, tiba di Hogwarts, menyimpan Batu Bertuah, menemukan Kamar Rahasia dan menyelamatkan Ginny dari Tom Riddle dan Basilisk, menghancurkan buku harian Riddle, bertemu ayah angkatnya , Sirius, yang ditangkap oleh Piala Api untuk bersaing dalam Turnamen Triwizard, menyaksikan Voldemort kelahiran kembali, Angkatan Darat membentuk Dumbledore, pertempuran dalam pertempuran di Departemen Misteri, termasuk menyaksikan kematian walinya, mencari tahu tentang nubuatan meramalkan nya konfrontasi terakhir dengan Voldemort, menyaksikan Kematian Dumbledore, akan di jalankan untuk mencari dan menghancurkan Horcrux, berjuang dalam Pertempuran Hogwarts, mengorbankan dirinya untuk Voldemort, mengalahkan Voldemort untuk selamanya, menikahi Ginny dan memiliki tiga anak, James, Albus dan Lily

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